Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Firesday, 6/3/1032

Korroloka Tunnel. Level 32. Defeats = 0.

After a short break, I picked up right where I left off fighting leeches and crabs in Korroloka Tunnel. Actually, I waned to fight the Greater Pugils and Clippers in a different area, but that room was taken by a party of RMTs.

My adventure went much the same way as my last one. Except at level 32, this area was even easier to fight in. I set a nice pace killing whatever Even Match crabs I could find, then picking off the Decent Challenge ones afterwards. A couple of times I hit Chain #3s when several Even Match crabs would spawn at once, but usually the chains were broken by a lack of strong enemies. As a result, this was so safe that I came nowhere near defeat during the entire session. In fact, my life only dropped into the orange once the whole time. However, this also meant the experience was a little slower than usual, as it required over 3 days (about 3 Earth hours) to reach level 33, even with the help of the Empress Band. (That's not too bad though; about 2000 experience per hour.)

To shake things up a bit, I took on the Scimitar Scorpions whenever they spawned as Tough or Very Tough. The scorpions are really nasty, chewing through my pets like a lance thorough a Mandragora. I typically had to use 3 or 4 Decent Challenge pets to finish one scorpion. Also, the scorpions have very strong TP moves, so fighting alongside your pet is very dangerous. The last thing you want is to eat 300+ damage from Death Scissors. For the most part, the scorpions were not worth the extra time and effort, but they can be a nice change of pace if you find yourself getting bored at this level.

The only problems I encountered came from some competitors that tried to camp on top of me at various times during my stay. (Note: I am old school and try to follow the Beastmaster Code. I had a search comment describing exactly what I was camping.) Once, when I was throwing pet after pet at a scorpion, an anonymous Hume showed up and starting killing the crabs (i was using leech pets mostly). She had 2 swords, so I think she was /NIN of some kind, maybe RDM/nin. While I was annoyed, it's not my style to yell, scream or complain. Afterall, at that point I wasn't killing those crabs, I was focusing on the scorpion. But I am not one to give up a camp without a fight either. So for a while we competed for the limited enemies in the area, and eventually she left. Similarly, later in the day another level 32 Elvaan Beastmaster showed up and tried the same thing. We competed for a while, and eventually he left as well. The sad thing is the camp is almost big enough to support two adventurers. Even with the competition, my experience per hour seemed to decrease only slightly.

Soon enough I hit level 33, and stayed in the are just long enough to get a decent buffer. The experience in this area really slows down at level 33, so it is definitely time to move on. I ran back to my rented room in Bastok and grabbed the Warrior's Axe out of my delivery box, which was graciously sent to me by my cohort in Jeuno. I put that on, along with my Savage Separates. Now I am wearing full Mithra RSE, and look mighty sexy if I do say so myself. I'll have to remember to take a screenshot next time. For now, it is time to research where to go next.

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